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The Toleration of Homosexuality

     In the Dec., 2007, issue of Biblical Insights (p. 7), Marc Hinds of Texarkana, AR, wrote, "J. K. Rowling’s best-selling series, Harry Potter, gave many conscientious Christians concern. But recently, the popular epic about wizards and wands has raised an entirely new and unrelated issues: the toleration of homosexuality. The beloved master wizard Albus Dumbledore is gay. This is straight from the author herself during a question-and-answer session at Carnegie Hall in October 2007. Her announcement was shocking. But the response from the audience was alarming: at first, there were gasps of surprise, but they were quickly followed by cheers and applause….From Hollywood to school boards across America, the push to promote the homosexual agenda is growing. As a result, girls holding hands and kissing each other publicly is a common sight on campuses across our nation. And while an older generation of Christians finds this repugnant, a new generation–our children and grandchildren–are finding it to be…tolerable [sic]. Inundated by the homosexual agenda, young people today are growing more and more comfortable with their gay friends….While gays are coming out of the closet, Christians everywhere must ‘"come out from among them and be separate," says the Lord. "Do not touch what is unclean, and I will receive you"’ (2 Cor. 6:17)."

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