Homeschooling Against All Odds

Homeschooling Against All Odds
Paula Moldenhauer, Homeschool Encouragement (Mon, Apr 30, 2012)

To be candid, there have been times in the last eleven years I’ve been tempted to quit homeschooling. Years of financial difficulty made me wonder if my children needed my earning power more than my teaching. Times of self-doubt caused me to ask if I was the best person for the job. Plain old weariness made me want to take a break.

In these struggles, I keep going for primarily two reasons. First, I believe God asked me to homeschool and He’s not told me to change courses. Second, I have a husband who believes in homeschooling even though there have been times it would have taken pressure off him if I’d gone back to work.

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Monterey School, Monterey, OH


Monterey School

Monterey-Maple Grove Rd.

Monterey, OH

Monterey is an unincorporated community in Clermont County, in the state of Ohio.  A post office called Monterey was established in 1847, and was discontinued in 1957.  The community was named in commemoration of the Battle of Monterey (1846).  Jackson Twp. School No. 6, one mile south of U. S. Rt. 50, was built in 1903 and is now a private dwelling.,_Clermont_County,_Ohio


Careful Study Finds Homeschool Advantage

Careful Study Finds Homeschool Advantage

by Brian D. Ray, Ph.D., National Home Education Research Institute (Apr. 19, 2012)

Multiple studies over 30 years have consistently found positive things associated with homeschooling.

Some critics — both of the research and of home-based education — claim, however, that almost no research tells us anything significant about the academic achievement of the home-educated.

One of the most recent studies on home education, by academics Sandra Martin-Chang, Odette Gould, and Reanne Meuse, however, supports the hypothesis that at least a certain form of home-based education causes higher academic achievement than does public schooling.  Their research, titled “The Impact of Schooling on Academic Achievement: Evidence from Homeschooled and Traditionally Schooled Students,” is worth a close look.
Read the full article here

Stonelick School, Stonelick, OH

Stonelick (Medium)

Stonelick School

US Route 50

Stonelick, Ohio

Stonelick is an unincorporated community in Clermont County, in the state of Ohio.  A post office called Stone Lick was established in 1859, the name was changed to Stonelick in 1895, and the post office closed in 1900.  The community takes its name from nearby Stonelick Creek.  The school was built in 1898. After it closed it became a private residence.,_Ohio

Underage Dating

by Bryana Johnson (Mar 15, 2012)

(Jean Hall wrote: Offering this simply for thought. I agree with much of it because it matches what I have personally witnessed during my own teen years and as the parent of three teenagers. We each will reap the consequences in our own lives for the judgments we make as we try to direct our own children.)

I have a bone to pick with young, socially conservative Americans, and I know it’s something that will get under your skin. Just sit tight, though, and hear me out, because the elephant in our tidy little room is starting to tear things up. It’s time we acknowledge his existence, and maybe even call in some animal movers to take him back to the zoo.

I currently live in a small community in the Bible-belt of the country and I have been given some opportunities to mentor young people from my area through different venues. I can count on one hand the kids I know from the local high school whose parents have never been divorced. I’ve witnessed reactions of genuine surprise and envy from students who hear that my parents are still together. In any given conversation with groups of youth, I can expect to hear continual references to step-parents, step-siblings, and half-siblings. Divorce is a way of life down here – albeit one that has taken its toll in the lives of the young people that will make up the next generation.

However, while I could certainly write extensively on my experience with the negative effects of divorce on children and on society at large, I actually want to address something else entirely. I have concerns about the number one way that our culture chooses to perpetuate the cancer of broken marriages and failed relationships– underage dating.

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Marathon, OH, School


Marathon School

Fomorin Rd.

Marathon, OH

Marathon is an unincorporated community in eastern Jackson Township, Clermont County, Ohio. It lies along U.S. Route 50.  Although it is unincorporated, it had a post office, with the ZIP code of 45145.  Marathon was originally called Cynthiana, and under the latter name was laid out in 1838. A post office called Marathon was established in 1845, and remained in operation until it was discontinued in 2011. The current ZIP code is 45118.  Its school, located just north of U. S. Rt. 50, was Jackson Twp. No. 1.


Print Textbooks vs. High Tech Media

A new study shows that students learn way more effectively from print textbooks than screens
Patricia A. Alexander and Lauren M. Singer, The Conversation

[Interesting–I’ve been a textbook advocate over high tech media for years.]

Today’s students see themselves as digital natives, the first generation to grow up surrounded by technology like smartphones, tablets and e-readers.

Teachers, parents and policymakers certainly acknowledge the growing influence of technology and have responded in kind. We’ve seen more investment in classroom technologies, with students now equipped with school-issued iPads and access to e-textbooks.

In 2009, California passed a law requiring that all college textbooks be available in electronic form by 2020; in 2011, Florida lawmakers passed legislation requiring public schools to convert their textbooks to digital versions.

Given this trend, teachers, students, parents and policymakers might assume that students’ familiarity and preference for technology translates into better learning outcomes. But we’ve found that’s not necessarily true.

As researchers in learning and text comprehension, our recent work has focused on the differences between reading print and digital media. While new forms of classroom technology like digital textbooks are more accessible and portable, it would be wrong to assume that students will automatically be better served by digital reading simply because they prefer it.

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Homeschooling Skyrockets

Homeschooling skyrockets as more parents get fed up with Left-wing social engineering and violence in public schools
J. D. Heyes (Tuesday, June 5, 2018)

Thanks to the incessant Left-wing counter-culture social engineering and increasing levels of violence and bullying, more American parents are pulling their kids out of failing government schools and teaching them at home.

As reported by The Washington Times, the recent school shooting at Parkland, Fla., was the last straw for scores of parents. The paper noted that “the phones started ringing at the Texas Home School Coalition, and they haven’t stopped yet.”

The Times added:

The Lubbock-based organization has been swamped with inquiries for months from parents seeking safer options for their kids in the aftermath of this year’s deadly school massacres, first in Parkland and then in Santa Fe, Texas.

“When the Parkland shooting happened, our phone calls and emails exploded,” said coalition president Tim Lambert. “In the last couple of months, our numbers have doubled. We’re dealing with probably between 1,200 and 1,400 calls and emails per month, and prior to that it was 600 to 700.”

While the debate rages anew over familiar topics following such tragedies — tougher, more restrictive gun control laws and bolstering security at public schools — the revolution in homeschooling has been taking place quietly, behind the scenes and off the radar screens of most political organizations.

But again, it’s not just the shootings, which admittedly have increased in the past couple of years. Christopher Chin, head of Homeschool Louisiana, told The Times that parents are fed up with “the violence, the bullying, the unsafe environments.”

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Public Education: Time to Pull Them Out


by Brad Harrub

Not many weeks pass without me asking my children a question that I have been asking them since they could talk: “What is your number one goal in life?” Their response is always, “To get to heaven.” I suspect most Christian families are instilling a similar goal. But what happens when something threatens that number one goal? What happens when our children face an obstacle that could hinder their journey toward heaven? Are we willing to stand up and fight for our families, oftentimes swimming upstream against the current? Or do we simply follow blindly the masses, and “hope” our children turn out alright?

The topic of schools and educating our children is one that often causes emotions to run high. Almost every congregation has faithful Christians who have dedicated their lives and do a tremendous job educating children. Additionally, many people feel a strong allegiance to their alma mater. Others are old enough to remember that a good education used to be reserved only for the privileged. In fact, there are still many countries of the world in which the majority of citizens are denied a public education. Truly, public education is one of the greatest concepts and achievements this country has developed.

But make no mistake about it; ungodly people have hijacked the public education system. Blackboards once covered with chalk have been thrown out and replaced with white dry-erase boards, and with that replacement, values like integrity, honesty, hard-working, and reverence towards God were also thrown out. Children no longer learn how to learn. Most are not encouraged to think critically. In many instances, students are filled with trivial facts and expected to regurgitate them on a standardized test. This is not education, but instead a mentally bankrupt form of indoctrination. Rather than focusing on training young people to be upstanding citizens who have common sense and can learn from books, we are creating generations of students whose level of success is based purely on standardized tests. We are spending more on public education, and yet literacy levels continue to decline. Textbooks continue to recycle mindless rubbish—much of which purposefully teaches humanism or contains evolutionary arguments known to be false, such as Haeckls embryos or the peppered moths. Add to this that many pitiable parents are using the public school system merely as a baby-sitter for their undisciplined children and you end up with the perfect recipe for failure.

In 1983, the federal government released a scathing report of our educational system titled “A Nation at Risk” ( This exhaustive study noted:

“Our Nation is at risk…. If an unfriendly foreign power had attempted to impose on America the mediocre educational performance that exists today, we might well have viewed it as an act of war. As it stands, we have allowed this to happen to ourselves.”

In his book, “The Philosophy of Christian Curriculum, “John Rousas observed, “At present, the state schools are an establishment of humanism. They teach and propagate a philosophy of life which does more than omit Christianity: it is radically at war with biblical religion.” Samuel Blumenfeld wrote a book titled N. E. A.: Trojan Horse in American Education in which he declared: “The NEA has remained remarkably faithful to the Humanist Manifesto since 1933. For all practical purposes, the public school has become the parochial school for secular humanism.” An honest person would be hard pressed not to see the problems with our current public school system.

But should we really pull our children out? Since for years public schools have been “center stage” in the American home, many have forgotten that education is simply a tool. Should this tool be allowed to subvert our children’s faith? Ultimately, what is more important: a piece of parchment that will not matter in 200 years, or spending an eternity in the presence of the Creator? That is not to say children should not be educated. But maybe the time has come to question how our children are educated. Placing our children in public schools may appear “normal” because the vast majority of Americans are doing it. However, we must consider the cost! It may be financially free, but it can bankrupt your children spiritually. Isn’t it time we rethink what is “normal?”

Several leaders in the Southern Baptist Convention have proposed a resolution that asks members of that denomination “to remove their children from the government schools and see to it that they receive a thoroughly Christian education, for the glory of God…” They have asked Baptist churches to develop an exit strategy from the public schools that will give particular attention to the needs of orphans, single parents, and the disadvantaged. Their ultimate goal is to pull their children out! They recognize that government schools are undermining the faith of their students.

What is your number one goal for your children and grandchildren? Are you ready to take action to see that goal come true? Even if it means pulling them out?

6/2018 Home School Book Review news

Home School Book Review Blog ( ) is the place to go for over 3,500 book reviews, primarily of children’s and youth literature both old and new, from a Biblical worldview.

Books reviewed in May of 2018 include:

May 31, 2018–Sermon Design and Delivery

May 30, 2018–The Westing Game: A Puzzle Mystery

May 29, 2018–Speaking for the Master: A Study of Public Speaking for Christian Men

May 28, 2018–How to Prepare an Expository Sermon

May 27, 2018–On the Preparation and Delivery of Sermons

May 25, 2018–New Land: A Novel for Boys and Girls

May 23, 2018–Black Rock: A Tale of the Selkirks

May 21, 2018–The Winter Room

May 18, 2018–Wonder

May 12, 2018–Soft Rain: A Story of the Cherokee Trail of Tears

May 8, 2018–Tod of the Fens

May 2, 2018–Common Sense Preaching

The winner of our Book of the Month Award for May, 2018:


Wonder by R. J. Palacio

Books we are currently reading and will review in the near future are:

Spurt by by Chris Miles

Seedfolks by Paul Fleischman

The Egg and I by Betty MacDonald

The Boy and His Curse by Michael Philip Mordenga
